woensdag 25 mei 2011

Besuch in der Eifel.

Poppy's! There where everywhere in the hills of the Eifel (Germany)! They even brighten up the most boring fields next to the road.

Saturday we went to visit Trier, an old city in the west of Germany. Bought myself a pretty blouse and made lots of pictures. Here some photos of Trier.

 If you need a new carpet: this one is for free!

And some photos of our walk on Sunday.

I'm number four.

donderdag 19 mei 2011


Hi! It's a bit of a lousy-weather-week, hopefully the weekend will be filled with sun! At least it's good weather to stay inside; draw a lot, search for inspiration and beautiful images. And some time to finally read a book that was already on my list for a while.

As I was checking www.design.nl I found this wonderful project by Lotte de Raadt. An Ode to Tapwater!

donderdag 5 mei 2011

Tiny little paper squares

Last week I've been cutting a lot of tiny paper squares for a test project. It's quite hard to get it digital on a proper way. Like it?